Dear Students, Parents, and Guardians, We have updated our COVID-19 Reopening Guidelines that are posted on our website under the heading COVID-19 Information. The main changes are as follows: 1. Facemasks are no longer required on our buses. We will still have facemasks available on our buses. 2. We have updated our American Rescue Plan(ARP) Act – ESSER III-LEA Application. In addition to addressing learning opportunity losses, we will focus on maintaining the operations and continuity of services in our school system. We will continue to monitor the spread of COVID-19 in our school system as well as our community. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me. Respectfully, Jennifer Albritton Superintendent
almost 3 years ago, Jennifer Albritton
Dear Parents and Guardians: Due to weather concerns with transporting students safely, please review the following information regarding a delay in opening schools on March 31, 2022: • Bus routes will be delayed approximately 1 hour. • Faculty and Staff should report by 8:00. • Students not riding buses should report by 8:30. Sincerely, Jennifer Albritton Superintendent
almost 3 years ago, Jennifer Albritton
I have provided the summary in the link below to help capture what has happened in terms of COVID-19 in our District. The weekly summary is based on the information that I have at this time. Parents and guardians, please continue to monitor your children at home. Staff members should also be monitoring themselves as well. We have the following documents to help with your decision making: Jennifer Albritton Superintendent
about 3 years ago, Jennifer Albritton
I have provided the summary in the link below to help capture what has happened in terms of COVID-19 in our District. The weekly summary is based on the information that I have at this time. Parents and guardians, please continue to monitor your children at home. Staff members should also be monitoring themselves as well. We have the following documents to help with your decision making: Jennifer Albritton Superintendent
about 3 years ago, Jennifer Albritton
I have provided the summary in the link below to help capture what has happened in terms of COVID-19 in our District. The weekly summary is based on the information that I have at this time. Parents and guardians, please continue to monitor your children at home. Staff members should also be monitoring themselves as well. We have the following documents to help with your decision making: Jennifer Albritton Superintendent
about 3 years ago, Jennifer Albritton
Dear Students, Parents, and Guardians, We have been informed that one primary school student tested positive for COVID-19. We have been in communication with the Georgia Department of Public Health. They are taking the appropriate steps in regards to contact tracing. We are making efforts to disinfect school buildings. Sincerely, Jennifer Albritton Superintendent
about 3 years ago, Jennifer Albritton
Dear Students, Parents, and Guardians, We have been informed that one primary school student tested positive for COVID-19. We have been in communication with the Georgia Department of Public Health. They are taking the appropriate steps in regards to contact tracing. We are making efforts to disinfect school buildings. Sincerely, Jennifer Albritton Superintendent
about 3 years ago, Jennifer Albritton
I have provided the summary in the link below to help capture what has happened in terms of COVID-19 in our District. The weekly summary is based on the information that I have at this time. Parents and guardians, please continue to monitor your children at home. Staff members should also be monitoring themselves as well. We have the following documents to help with your decision making: Jennifer Albritton Superintendent
about 3 years ago, Jennifer Albritton
Important Announcement from the Taylor County School District Taylor County Schools will have an early release for students on Thursday, February 17, 2022. Bus students and car riders will be dismissed at the following times: Taylor County Primary School – 11:15 a.m. Taylor County Upper Elementary – 11:30 a.m. Taylor County Middle and High Schools – 11:45 a.m. On behalf of the Taylor County School District, we hope you have a wonderful winter break and Presidents’ Day Holiday. (Friday, February 18th - Monday, February 21st)
about 3 years ago, Taylor County Schools
Dear Students, Parents, and Guardians, Yesterday, we were informed that two upper elementary school students tested positive for COVID-19. We have been in communication with the Georgia Department of Public Health. They are taking the appropriate steps in regards to contact tracing. We are making efforts to disinfect school buildings. Sincerely, Jennifer Albritton Superintendent
about 3 years ago, Jennifer Albritton
I have provided the summary in the link below to help capture what has happened in terms of COVID-19 in our District. The weekly summary is based on the information that I have at this time. Parents and guardians, please continue to monitor your children at home. Staff members should also be monitoring themselves as well. We have the following documents to help with your decision making: Jennifer Albritton Superintendent
about 3 years ago, Jennifer Albritton
Dear Students, Parents, and Guardians, We have been informed that one primary school student tested positive for COVID-19. We have been in communication with the Georgia Department of Public Health. They are taking the appropriate steps in regards to contact tracing. We are making efforts to disinfect school buildings. Sincerely, Jennifer Albritton Superintendent
about 3 years ago, Jennifer Albritton
Dear Students, Parents, and Guardians, We have been informed that five primary school students, four upper elementary school students, two middle school students, and one staff member tested positive for COVID-19. We have been in communication with the Georgia Department of Public Health. They are taking the appropriate steps in regards to contact tracing. We are making efforts to disinfect school buildings. Sincerely, Jennifer Albritton Superintendent
about 3 years ago, Jennifer Albritton
Dear Students, Parents, and Guardians, We have been informed that two primary school students and one staff member tested positive for COVID-19. We have been in communication with the Georgia Department of Public Health. They are taking the appropriate steps in regards to contact tracing. We are making efforts to disinfect school buildings. Sincerely, Jennifer Albritton Superintendent
about 3 years ago, Jennifer Albritton
Dear Students, Parents, and Guardians, We have been informed that one high school student and two middle school students tested positive for COVID-19. We have been in communication with the Georgia Department of Public Health. They are taking the appropriate steps in regards to contact tracing. We are making efforts to disinfect school buildings. Sincerely, Jennifer Albritton Superintendent
about 3 years ago, Jennifer Albritton
I have provided the summary in the link below to help capture what has happened in terms of COVID-19 in our District. The weekly summary is based on the information that I have at this time. Parents and guardians, please continue to monitor your children at home. Staff members should also be monitoring themselves as well. We have the following documents to help with your decision making: Jennifer Albritton Superintendent
about 3 years ago, Jennifer Albritton
Dear Students, Parents, and Guardians, We have been informed that one upper elementary school student tested positive for COVID-19. We have been in communication with the Georgia Department of Public Health. They are taking the appropriate steps in regards to contact tracing. We are making efforts to disinfect school buildings. Sincerely, Jennifer Albritton Superintendent
about 3 years ago, Jennifer Albritton
Dear Students, Parents, and Guardians, We have been informed that two high school students, three middle school students, seven upper elementary school students, eight primary school students, and two staff members tested positive for COVID-19. We have been in communication with the Georgia Department of Public Health. They are taking the appropriate steps in regards to contact tracing. We are making efforts to disinfect school buildings. Sincerely, Jennifer Albritton Superintendent
about 3 years ago, Jennifer Albritton
Dear Students, Parents, and Guardians, We have been informed that one high school student and one primary school student tested positive for COVID-19. We have been in communication with the Georgia Department of Public Health. They are taking the appropriate steps in regards to contact tracing. We are making efforts to disinfect school buildings. Sincerely, Jennifer Albritton Superintendent
about 3 years ago, Jennifer Albritton
Dear Students, Parents, and Guardians, We have been informed that two high school students, five middle school students, one upper elementary school student, two primary school students, and one staff member tested positive for COVID-19. We have been in communication with the Georgia Department of Public Health. They are taking the appropriate steps in regards to contact tracing. We are making efforts to disinfect school buildings. Sincerely, Jennifer Albritton Superintendent
about 3 years ago, Jennifer Albritton