We will conduct the regularly scheduled meeting of the Taylor County Board of Education Monday, June 8, 2020, at our normal location and virtually by a Zoom meeting. Please note that some board members may choose to access the meeting virtually. You will find a link to the zoom meeting on the agenda at the Simbli Site and below. Join Board Meeting – Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/91824968436?pwd=KzRWcERuSTdLZ1JaUXUrWkxsVitYUT09
over 4 years ago, Jennifer Albritton
The Taylor County High School Graduation Commencement Ceremony will be live streamed at 9:00AM on May 23. The link to view the ceremony is: https://bit.ly/3gaXOlA
over 4 years ago, Denton Wainwright
5-13-20 Baccalaureate We are canceling the Baccalaureate Service due to safety concerns. The scheduled speaker of that event has graciously agreed to record a message for the students, and it will be made available. Jennifer Albritton Superintendent
over 4 years ago, Denton Wainwright