An Expression of Sympathy to the Family of Mr. Rufus Green
On behalf of the Taylor County Board of Education and the faculty and staff of the Taylor County School System, we offer our condolences to the family of Mr. Rufus Green. The news of his passing brought us much sadness. He held many positions in the school system with board member being the most recent. In addition to his work with our school system, he was a community leader and served as a county commissioner. Mr. Green will be long remembered for the kindness and gentleness he exhibited to those who worked with him. In his memory, we will be placing a wreath on the door of the central office. He will be greatly missed.
With our deepest sympathy,
Jennifer Albritton
Taylor County School Superintendent
The Class of 2022 Graduation Ceremony will be live streamed on YouTube tomorrow morning. The link to view the ceremony is:
If you are planning to get your learner's license or driver's license over the Summer, please go ahead and "sign up" in the office for the paperwork you need. Tuesday, May 24, will be the final day for you to do this in order to have it ready for you by the last day of school. Remember that the school office is not open in the Summer.
Class of 2022 Baccalaureate is Sunday, 6 PM, TCHS Auditorium.
Congratulations to the following boys for being named to the All-Region 5-A team:
1st team:
Nate Patterson - OF
Aaron Fausel - OF
Cody Harris - IF
Brendon Brooks - IF
Dylan Hudgens - P
2nd team:
Rett Harris - C
Course request forms and student scheduling conferences will begin this week. We will start with next year's 12th graders and work down through the remaining grade levels. The links below will take you to a copy of the TCHS Course Request Form and the TCHS Course Guide. Please use these links to help guide you and your child's discussion about next year's classes.
TCHS 2022-2023 Course Guide:
TCHS 2022-2023 Course Request Form:
The Basketball Banquet will be held on Wednesday, May 18th at 7pm. Players and Cheerleaders should see their respective Coaches for tickets.
Taylor County High School Honors Night will be May 24th.
Senior Honors start at 6:00 pm
Underclassmen Honors start at 7:15 pm
The Brandy Sawyer Kiwanis Memorial Scholarship is available to any senior Key Club member. Those interested need to pick up an application from Mrs. Madore. Applications are due back to her by the end of the day on Thursday, May 12.
The Taylor County School District is offering a free wireless hotspot device to students. Hotspots may be picked up from the TCHS Media Center beginning May 13. Complete the TCSD Hotspot Program form at this link if you are interested in receiving a hotspot:
Spring Band Concert
TCHS Auditorium, Thursday, May 5, 7 PM
Happy Teacher Appreciation Week!!! Thank you to TCHS Student Council, Mrs Bowker, and Mrs Kendrick for providing breakfast/treats for our teachers.
Yearbooks are here! We will pass them out in the cafeteria on Tuesday, May 3, 9 AM for high school students. Middle school TBD.
Reminder: All cadets attending summer camp will have a meeting at 4:30pm, Tuesday, May 3rd in the JROTC classroom. All cadets must have a parent or guardian present at the meeting.
Coming to you this Fall at 24 Oak St. The Spring game is May 20 vs Wilkinson Co. Come out and support your Vikings!!!
Congratulations to the boys & girls tennis teams for winning the 1st round and advancing to the Elite 8!!! Date and opponent TBD.
TCHS tennis playoffs today at home:
Girls vs Claxton 3 pm
Boys vs ECI to follow
Congratulations to former TCHS student, Christian Albritton, for being named UGA Student Employee of the Year.
Dear Students, Parents, and Guardians,
We have updated our COVID-19 Reopening Guidelines that are posted on our website under the heading COVID-19 Information. The main changes are as follows:
1. Facemasks are no longer required on our buses. We will still have facemasks available on our buses.
2. We have updated our American Rescue Plan(ARP) Act – ESSER III-LEA Application. In addition to addressing learning opportunity losses, we will focus on maintaining the operations and continuity of services in our school system.
We will continue to monitor the spread of COVID-19 in our school system as well as our community. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me.
Jennifer Albritton
Attention: Senior Spring Sports Recognition for baseball, tennis, track, golf, and esports will be this Friday (15th) on the baseball field at 4:30. (Lineup of seniors and parents/ escorts will be at 4:20.)
Varsity baseball game will begin at 5 PM.