Homecoming dance info!!!
Powder puff game!!!
Clear bag policy!!
Volleyball- Senior Night
PBIS Viking Values Students of the Week!
Caroline Cochran
Ny'Azaia Drains
Keon Jackson
Amiyha Gross
Daniel Dugger
Kimya Heath
Romeo Bowen
Kaytie Scott
TCHS homecoming week!!
Students in Mrs. Jones’s biology class testing the accuracy of Punnett Squares!
Juniors and Seniors!!
JV football cancelled this week.
This week - Sept 19
Title 1 Meeting and Open House!!!
2022 Homecoming Court!
FCA meeting today at TCHS!!!
PBIS Viking Values Students of the Week!!
Sophia Pope
Emerson Logue
Hannah Lawson
Tobias Meadows
Gracie James
Lydia Hall
Mrs. McGhee’s Geography playing conquer Europe!!
Counseling info!!
The General Horticulture class has begun learning the ins and outs of greenhouse production and maintenance. Students have been placed into groups and are in charge of planting and maintaining the plants that will be available to purchase for the fall and spring plant sales. By March 2023, the greenhouse will be full of green.
Behind the scenes AV students taking pictures of volleyball team taking pictures!!!
College Fair and Senior Night is tonight!!
College Fair - 6:00 in Gym
Senior Night- 6:30 in Auditorium