Taylor County School System's very own Mr. Tracy Caldwell spent some time recently with Mrs. Hoffman's Engineering class. Mr. Caldwell was able to share his advice and tips on "First Impressions". He was able to speak from a firsthand point of view and use his experiences in Human Resources to expand on some of the soft skills that is a major part of our CTAE education program. The students learned so much about the should and should not of applications as well as the interview process.
Mrs. Hoffman's Engineering class had another guest speaker recently, Mr. Marshall Smith. Marshall Smith is a 2014 Taylor County High School graduate and was excited to come share his pathway to success from TCHS to his current programming career with Geico. He gave a few insider tips and words of wisdom on how important "soft skills" are when entering the workforce. He also fielded questions that touched on things from "Are you a gamer?" to "What is a normal work day look like for you?" Marshall started his talk with a friendly competition reenforcing the importance of building relationships and ended his time with the class by playing a few games the students created, developed, and coded themselves.