Excuse notes (parent and/or physician) should be turned into the front office upon return.
Notes should include the following: student’s name, date(s) of absence(s), reason for absence, document from doctor, etc., and signature of parent or legal guardian.
If the absence is excused, the student will be allowed to make up work missed within three (3) days.
Students are responsible for all work missed as a result of absences. This is to include work missed while on a field trip or extracurricular activities.
Any test or project assigned prior to an absence must be completed on the first day of return to school.
Students who have served OSS will be allowed to make up work upon their return to school, and are responsible for requesting missed assignments from their teachers.
It is the student’s responsibility to bring excuses for absences. Failure of the student to present an excuse within three (3) days shall result in an unexcused absence. Any student found to have submitted an excuse falsely presented as being from a parent or guardian is subject to school discipline.
TCHS Administration