Taylor County Middle School Recognized at GASSP Conference

The Georgia Association of Secondary School Principals (GASSP) held its annual conference in Savannah from November 13th - 15th.  Taylor County Middle School was named a "Distinguished Breakout School" by the organization.  The Breakout Schools Award is designed to identify, recognize, and showcase Georgia schools that are high achieving or dramatically improving student achievement. Members of the Leadership Team presented the "TCMS Story" to fellow administrators from across the state.  If you see a member of the TCMS faculty or staff, please congratulate them for a job well done in "Exceeding Expectations Everyday" to educate our youth.

Pictures:  Principal Moneak McCrary receives the Distinguished Breakout School Award from GASSP President/National Principal of the Year Kerensa Wing
Leadership Team Members Christie Harp, Kristi Hartley, Moneak McCrary, Deirdre Gordon, and Fred Worthy receive the Breakout School Award from GASSP President Kerensa Wing