Notification of Rights under the McKinney-Vento Act
The McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act is designed to address the problems that homeless children and youth have faced in enrolling, attending, and succeeding in school.
If your family lives in one of the following situations:
1. In a shelter, motel, vehicle or campground
2. On the street
3. In an abandoned building, trailer, or other inadequate accommodations, or
4. Doubled up with friends or relatives because of a lack of affordable housing
Then the school aged children in your family have a right to:
1. Go to school no matter where they live or how long they have lived there
2. Continue in the school they attended before the family became homeless, if that is the parent’s choice and it is feasible
3. Receive transportation to the school they attended before your family became homeless
4. Participate in school programs with children who are not homeless
5. Enroll in school without giving a permanent address
6. Enroll and attend classes while the school arranges for the transfer of any records or documents required for enrollment
7. Receive the same special programs and services as all other children
Inquiries concerning educational services for homeless students in this school system may be submitted to the Homeless Liaison.
Taylor County School District Homeless Liaison
Extended-Day Transitional Equity Navigators to support questions: