Public Notice

Taylor County School District

The Taylor County School district offers career and technical education programs and courses for all students regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, or disability, religion, or age in grades 6-12.

Audio-Video Technology

Game Design (High School) Mindset (Middle School)

Early Childhood Care and Education 

General Automotive Technology

Horticulture Mechanical Systems


Middle School Career Development

*Therapeutic Services-Patient Care (Nurse Aide)

Work-Based Learning (11th and 12th) 

*Dual Enrollment (DE) program in partnership with South Georgia Technical College

Persons seeking further information concerning the career and technical education course offerings, and pre-requisite criteria should contact:

Mrs. Michele Kimble
Career, Technical and Agricultural Education Director
52 R. L. McDougald Drive
Butler, GA 31006
478.862.3314, Ext. 6 (Office)
706.480.4259 (Direct Line)

Inquiries regarding non-discrimination policies and compliance information should be directed to the following designated individuals at Taylor County Board of Education, 23 Mulberry Street, Butler, Georgia 31006 or call 478.862.5224.

Title IX Coordinators

Ms. Moneak McCrary

Mr. Tracy Caldwell

Special Education Coordinator/504 Coordinator

Mrs. Kim Jarrell

Title II Coordinators

Mr. Tracy Caldwell

Mrs. Jenny Gibbo

Career and Technical and Agricultural Education (CTAE)


The CTAE Department is committed to providing a robust, academic, and technical education experience to all students that will enable them to be contributing citizens in their community.  Throughout active participation in employability/soft skills training, laboratory experiences, and hands-on learning, students are equipped with the competitive edge skills set required for the world of work.  In Taylor County, our students are afforded the opportunity to explore careers via our 7 career pathways.  All pathway completers may earn industry-recognized certifications and/or state licensures upon successfully passing a technical skill assessment for their chosen career pathway.  Also, Juniors and Seniors may earn credits and employment/on-the-job experiences through participation in the Work-Based Learning program.  

Career Technical and Agricultural Education prepares all students for college, high skill, high wage, and in demand careers.  The pathway to success is not the same for all, but with CTAE all students can succeed with a brighter future. A question to ponder……Which pathway will you travel?

Michele Kimble
CTAE Director/Assistant Principal

Career and Technical Student Organizations

Career and Technical Student Organization (CTSOs) are essential pieces of the CTAE matrix.  CTSOs are co-curricular-not extracurricular and are vital to CTAE instruction.  They are incorporated into the instruction program and instructional time within the classroom.  The CTSOs structure provides hands-on and project-based learning experiences that allows learners to see the relationship between the real world and their academic studies.  CTSOs core values are commitment, conviction, education, integrity, leadership, professionalism, recognition, service, and teamwork.






Career Pathways

A pathway completer is identified as a student who completes a sequence of three classes in one of the following pathway options:

Audio Video Technology and Film

Game Design

Early Childhood Care and Education

General Automotive Technology

Horticulture Mechanical Systems


Therapeutic Services-Patient Care
(Dual Enrollment/Partnership with South Georgia Tech)
Course Offerings
Introduction to Healthcare Science
Nurse Aide Accelerated

Credentials of Value (End-of- Pathway Assessments)

Upon successfully completing a pathway that has an assessment, students are eligible to take a technical skill attainment assessment.  The state’s technical skill attainment inventory will be comprised of several measurement components: industry certifications/credentials, occupational assessments, and state licensures and state developed assessments.  The students who pass the assessments earn industry-recognized credentials and will receive a career pathway stole to be worn at graduation.

Audio Video Technology and Film

Game Design

Early Childhood Care and Education

General Automotive Technology
Assessment Information Sheet Cluster Area: Transportation, Distribution and Logistics Career Pathway: General Automotive Technol

Horticulture Mechanical Systems

Therapeutic Services -Patient Care

Work-Based Learning

The Georgia Work-Based Program is structured to assist in ensuring that the world of work has highly trained, technologically sophisticated and career minded individuals for the workforce. Its goal is to build strong relationships for educators, students, and employers

Work-Based Learning Eligibility Criteria
Must be a Junior or Senior (at least 16 years of age)
Must be on track for graduation
Must complete application process

2024 Students of the Month


Agriculture - Camden Kirksey, Edward Brown, Hagen Ingram, and Taylor Moore (not pictured); Automotive - Ka'Niyah Richardson (not pictured), Cayden Hunter, Jackson Hancock; Audio-Video Technology & Film - Taraji Clempson (not pictured), Valeria Zepeda-Manzo, Myleia Gray, Cayden Coleman; Early Childhood Education - Ciarra Gardner; CNA - Ellie Peacock (not pictured); JROTC - Haley Howell, Preston Morgan, Brianna Joiner, Garrett Raines, Daisy Burgess, Emmie Shehee, Teresa Powell (not pictured); Computer Science - Gage Dudley; Choir - Lydia Hall; Band - William Goodwin, and Alexander Turk.


Agriculture - Molleigh Gassett, Hannah Kirksey, Eric Hernandez, and De'Asia Ogburn (not pictured); Automotive - Jose Lopez, Caleb Barrow, and Jacob Brown (not pictured); Audio-Video Technology & Film - Haley Howell, Jabius Whitening, and Madison Manning; Early Childhood Education - Kamre Smith, Kailey Biddle, Nayandice Ellison, and Kelsie Jackson (not pictured); CNA - Khamryn Ogburn (not pictured); JROTC - Brianna Joiner and Maci Johnson; Computer Science - Daniel Williams; Choir - Cayden Coleman; Band - Joshua Brown and Ava Couch; and Visual Arts - Teresa Powell, Jan'nasia Towns (not pictured), David Sohn (not pictured), Jaylen Gray (not pictured), and Janie Lois Allen (not pictured).


Agriculture - Jayden Brown, Skyler Sanders, Shawn Johnson (not pictured), and Addison Hunter (not pictured); Automotive - Johnny Ridgely, Perry Robinson, and Cam Kirksey; Audio-Video Technology & Film - Hannah Kirksey, Kennedy Shorts, and Danica Zheng; Early Childhood Education - Jar'Quavion McCants (not pictured), Sophia Pope, and Erika Ramirez; CNA - Tylasia Pinkard (not pictured); JROTC - Serenity Parks, and William Zuanich; Computer Science - Ansh Prajapati; Choir - Lillian Morgan (not pictured); Band - Autumn Ramey, and Kaytie Scott; Visual Arts - Sedriunna Wilson, Kay'Precionia Pinkard, Tamarion Durham, and Antonio Terrell.

CTAE Social Media Links

CTAE Showcase


Taylor County FFA received a grant from Flint Energies: Operation Round Up on November 14th, 2024. Thank you so much Flint Energies for your support!


LTC John McLeod, Senior JROTC-Army Instructor, was one of the 20 CTAE teachers from a selection pool of nearly 100 applicants throughout the state of Georgia selected to be a participant in the 2023-2024 LEAD (Leadership Exploration Advocacy Development) CTAE Program. LEAD CTAE is a leadership development program sponsored by the Georgia Association of Career and Technical Education, the CTAE Division of the Georgia Department of Education, and the CTAE Resource Network.

LEAD CTAE is designed for Georgia CTAE professionals who have the desire to gain valuable skills and knowledge in the areas of team building, leadership, priority management, communication, instruction, business engagement, legislative advocacy and policy, economic development, and more throughout the five program sessions with graduation culminating at the annual GACTE summer conference.

The selection process was made based on resumes, essay questions, recommendations, and the scoring of applications. Each applicant was rated on the following:


Interest in CTAE leadership

Willingness to learn from others and accept guidance


Ability to work effectively as a team member

Ability to apply learned concepts to new situations/ideas

Being self-directed

Since the inception of the LEAD CTAE Program, LTC John McLeod is the first Taylor County CTAE instructor to be selected for this elite opportunity.


TCHS FBLA attended the Georgia FBLA Region Leadership Conference at Peach County High School on Wednesday, January 17th. The students competed in several events and to qualify for the state competition in March. Cayden Coleman placed 1st in Electronic Career Portfolio and will compete in March. Valeria Zapeda-Manzo, Karima Ahsan, and Danica Zheng competed in Sales Presentation placing 4th. Aaliyah McCants competed in Job Interview and placed 4th. Madison Pierce and Jatoria Towns competed in Graphic Design and placed 2nd. Michael Montgomery, Madison Pierce and Jatoria Towns will compete in the Monopoly Challenge in March. The High School advisor is Chelsea McGhee.


On Wednesday Jan 31st 2024, Mrs. Brandy McChargue, from Lincoln Technical College (formerly known as Nashville Auto Diesel College), visited the high school automotive class to speak to the students about education opportunities after high school. Her presentation highlighted the expanding job market for skilled trades and multiple career options for students that are taught at Lincoln Tech. 

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